Written By- Trilok Singh.

Today, Developing Countries Research Centre (DCRC), University of Delhi and Indian Council of social science Research is organizing a TWO DAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “SOUTH ASIA IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE : ISSUES AND CHALLENGES”.

Chair : Shri Shashank (Former Foreign secretary, GOI),  Welcomed address : Prof. Sunil K. Choudhary (Director of DCRC Family), Cheif guest : Shri Amarendra Khatua (Director general, ICCR), Keynote Speaker : Prof.S.D. Muni, Professor Emeritus, JNU. Dr. Malvika singh Hosts the above Conference. Malvika Singh, also launched own book during the conference. Which is Shortly available on my website with analysis.

More importantly, Developing Countries Research Centre (DCRC), has been a common platform for social scientists, Scholars, Students, and social activist constantly engaged in the growth of knowledge for nearly two and half decade. Said, Prof. Sunil K. Choudhary (Director of DCRC Family). I believe that, it works as a think-tank network of new ideas, thoughts, challenges etc. and also send own think-tank team recommendation to appropriate departments. which provides the batter solutions for counter the contemporary challenges.

Moreover, Shri Amarendra Khatua (Director general, ICCR), starts with the advocacy of DCRC and also talks about “Internal Psychology of

Trilok Singh, MA genius classmates. Vishal, Mohit, Munna, Suraj Etc.

South Asia” and more focus around the contemporary problems of south Asia like trade and finance, India-Pakistan-china naxus, Poverty, Population, Energy Security, people to people contact etc. Further he talks about the cultural context of south Asia. More importantly, more than 2000 Yong people in this university (DU) involves to feed the number of issues with regard to Bangladesh. So, we need to improve our mind setup.

Prof. S.D.MUNI, more focus around TWO MAJOR TRANSTION, 1. Global Level, 2. South Asia Level. He says that, South Asia is very well define but academically not. “Its the product of cold war” said, S.D.MUNI. Further he argue that, Civilisation frontier converted into the boundry. Moreover, he talks about, strategic and homogeneous relations with British. China and Iran may forward in SAARC.

Source : Praveen Swami, Indian Express Journals

More importantly, muni talks about dynamic economy, transitional turbulence. He believe that, Democracy had not been institutionalized and critical internal journey are going on. Hence, South Asia remarkable-terrorism, Nepal did it politically Sri lanka also but in a different way. What we do to tamils. It leading such other issues like left rises, extremist etc. Now, Rise of the right concerns are becomes much more important in the context of south Asia.

Source : Praveen Swami, Indian Express Journals

Result is that, “Regional Harmony” (South Asia Regional harmony). Religious harmony in India is a concept that indicates that there is love, affection in between different religions in India. The Indian constitution supports and encourages religious harmony. In India, every citizen has a right to choose and practice any religion. There are examples of Muslims and Sikhs building temples. In India, different religious traditions live harmoniously.

Source : Praveen Swami, Indian Express Journals

Therefore, number of questions arose like “rise of right”, it is totally indicates Unhappyness and democratic divide. further more;  he talks about three kind of polarisations, 1. Polarisation push back of globalizations, 2. Democratic divide and 3. In the context of economy from west to Asia pecific and shift in the power. He argue that, Globalization is a new development forum which came into serious stress thats called triple polarisations.

Three parameters;

  1. uncomfortable, push back to globalization;
  2. an advantages (South Asia have advantages at global level and huge area of opportunities)
  3. Nationalism, more and more identified in the ethnic forum. Demographic dividend, greater threats from the outsiders etc.

China play a very core role with the same regard. when we talks about the South Asian Prespective so CHINA becomes more and more important. Now, China will try to puss in South Asia. Moreover, Chinese population in Singapore? China wants own colony population for influence the governments etc. In Short, DRAGON HUB of China.





Our Analysis;

What are the biggest problems facing South Asia?

 The biggest problems are:

  1. Rising sea levels due to global warming and Food Crisis, poverty, hunger, women education and problems of common marriages in Bangladesh. Attitude of people in general, our education system needs to teach us manners more.  Poverty, Corruption, Dirty Politics, Mutual understanding and respect among the nations of this region.
  2. Severe population growth – Even though population growth as a percentage has decreased, there are still millions of additional people every year and the infrastructure is bursting at the seams.
  3. Tribalism – When resources are in such short supply, it is easy to see that people would try to horde them for their “tribe”.  This leads to more shortages and more tribalism.
  4. Corruption – When there are shortages, people try to get their hands on public services via underhanded means.  It means bribing with money, promise of money, promise of employment, threat of violence, nepotism etc.
  5. Brain drain – People who have connections thrive but those who are skilled or talented but have no connections find it far easier to succeed in other lands (US, UK, Canada, Australia and other countries are eager to get their hands on such talented people).

Why is South Asia so poor?

Trilok Singh, vishal, mohit, munna and suraj.

The simple answer is Geography and wealth go hand in hand.  Countries closest to the equator tend to have lower GDPs.  Jared Diamond explains in “Guns, Germs, and Steel” how areas with temperate climates were able to benefit from a wider range of resources.  More resources meant better farming, medicine, and housing, which translates to a higher quality of life.  A quick look at a map will show that areas that receive snow generally are better off than those that are warm year round.  Even in the United States the northern states are generally better off economically – at least on the East coast.  The only exception seems to be areas with oil.

The recent jump in GDP for the South Asian countries is primarily because farmers have started using catalyzing products such as fertilizers and machines.  As each individual farmer is able to produce more food during a year with less work, everyone benefits.  The farmer is able to sell more food, increasing his wages even with the price per unit decreasing.  Purchasers save money because food is cheaper.  The percentage of people farming decreases, allowing more people to enter technical jobs such as IT, architecture, or engineering.  And overall GDP per capita rises.

From my own experience living in India, I think climate plays an important part in productivity.  In most areas in India, temperatures are always above 80, even at night.  Strenuous work is dangerous because of problems like heat exhaustion.  So the simple solution is to not move during the day and like many tropical cultures, people are generally resting during the early afternoon, and are busy during the cool hours around dawn and dusk.  It is hard to be productive, especially as a farmer, when half the day is taken away because of heat.

In areas that receive snow, people had to be aware of the impending winter.  This makes them think about the future, like what they will eat and how keep warm.  If they waited until the snows hit, they would be too late.  They had to start saving and storing long before the Winters hit to survive.  The idea of preparing for the future naturally led to financial savings.  For people living in tropical areas, thinking about the future, especially with savings, is not natural. An increasing number of people are cognizant in tropical areas because of education, and the percentage is increasing rapidly, especially as incomes rise.

With time I think tropical areas will be able to overcome the economic differences.  It will take a long time to overcome mindsets shaped by climates.  Technology, especially the internet, along with education will help curve this quickly.  While it won’t be overnight, I think we are within a few centuries of being capable of global economic equality.

In Short, I would say the extreme poverty in every one of these regions, the fact that china is looking over this region, and the indo pak wars that have raged for 70 years on and off. Global warming. All of Bangladesh, half of Pakistan/Sri Lanka and major parts of India will go underwater in 50 years if we don’t mitigate it.

I am not saying that these are permanent problems – actually I am fairly confident that these problems are already being tackled and there is a good chance we would see reversals on all four fronts within a short time.  But these problems are there right now. Institutionalized peace, negotiation, Mutual Co-operations among with other nation.

Note : If any corrections are required than please mail me at

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Trilok Singh, Academic Discussions With Wali-ur Rahman on “SOUTH ASIA IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE : ISSUES AND CHALLENGES”