- In the changed pattern, the stress is more on the concept clarity rather than simply mugging up the data. Candidates must devote good time in understanding the basics.
- You should take the help of internet or books about the topics/terms which you don’t know while reading newspaper and doing preparation.
- You need to adopt ‘integrated approach’ for an effective preparation and mains examination oriented study-plan would make things complicated to handle as far as Preliminary examination is concerned.
- A large number of questions come from economy, ecology, environment and art & culture. These areas should be prepared in detail from the best available sources.
- Adequate time should be kept for revision. Both General Studies and Aptitude sections should be revised at least twice, one week before the exam.
- Candidates should attend mock tests and solve previous year papers. This will increase the accuracy and speed significantly. It also helps in picking out the most appropriate option in the exam.
- Candidates from non-MBA and non-Engineering background should devote good time in preparing for CSAT paper as it has more weightage and becomes a game-changer for clearing preliminary round.
- Candidates from MBA and Engineering background should not be careless about CSAT paper as the CSAT paper is quite different in approach and content from the MBA exams.
- You need not to attend all the questions. Your aim should be to attempt more number- of questions accurately instead of attempting all.
- Time management is also vital during the examination. If a question cannot be answered immediately, one should move to the next question marking it as unanswered on the question paper. Such questions should be revisited after going through the whole question paper and answering all the questions. Since a wrong answer is negatively marked, one should avoid making wild guesses.
- You have to mark your response by completely blackening with black ball pen to indicate your response. You should use black ball pen only to darken the circles. For writing in boxes also, they should use black ball pen.
- Be always positive during whole journey of your preparation and do work hard to achieve your goal.
- The secret of the champions is that they always visualize the result in advance. And they visualize until they are completely certain that they can achieve the seemingly impossible task ahead of them. So tap into the power of faith and belief that you can do it, this will push you to dedicate yourself completely towards breaking through the exam.
- All the best!
Tips for Preparation of IAS